Coach Oneil Cover Coach Oneil Cover Coach Oneil Cover

Blake O’Neill
CBR Central Owner | Head Coach

Good things come in small packages and Coach O’Neill is no exception. The epitome of what Century represents, Coach O’Neill holds our current fastest mile time (1.6km) of 5 minutes 45 seconds. With a varied background in swimming, martial arts, Thai kickboxing, mountain biking, ultra marathon running, and recently survival events it’s no wonder Coach O’Neill is a jack of all fitness trades. Having been a former couch-potato, he knows the dedication and commitment it takes to succeed and takes every opportunity to lead an active, healthy life. This is why as a Coach he assumes an immediate mentor role with our athletes and finds a way to bring out the best in them – always.

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2021.02.19 Century Strength And Conditioning Branding 9944 2048x1366.jpg
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